Some Lovely Langton 1/1200 Ships

Scipion (74) and Hortense (40) at Dux Homunculorum

Stumbled across these excellent efforts by Alanus, Dux Homunculorum on his blog. Check out HMS Orion (74), HMS Phoebe (36), and the French vessels Scipion (74) & Hortense (40). Wonderful stuff and another gamer going through the Langton SCAFP or Too Fat Lardies KMH or similar “which rules play best” process, as mentioned in my earlier Trafalgar vs. Signal Close Action Fast Play post.

Scipion (74) and Hortense (40) at Dux Homunculorum
Scipion (74) and Hortense (40) at Dux Homunculorum

6 thoughts on “Some Lovely Langton 1/1200 Ships”

  1. Thanks mate, I’m flattered! I have the fast play version of Signal Close Action as well as KMH, and hoping to do some comparison games over the next couple of weeks. I’ll be really interested to see what you think of the games.


    1. Hi Alan – Anyone who can get anything looking even half-reasonable with these 1/1200th babies is doing well and you’ve well exceeded that! And vice versa on the thoughts! My expected opponent is unfortunately unavailable for a while so I may have to have a couple of solo bashes over the next month or so to play around with the rules… But I will look forward to your comments on your blog in the coming weeks to see how you find things – my gut feel from skimming the rules is SCAFP is better (or more preferred if you like) than KMH but the latter has some good stuff too (see Stephen C’s comments at Small Sagas on a similar vein). Anyway keep up the great work with your painting (I assume you have more ships planned)…?! I have to tidy up the second-hand pre-painted ones I acquired (both washes & paint touch ups as well as repairing shipping damage – no pun intended) then get onto some of the new unassembled ones that recently arrived from the Langtons…

      1. Hi John,
        Yes, I have a bunch of Langton ships on the way from Waterloo Minis. I’ve decided on building up a Danish fleet for something different.


        1. Sounds Great – I had the Dutch Fleet for Camberdown in 1/2400th before I sold them off to change back to 1/1200th. The Danish were my other thought as an alternate fleet but at the time I did the Dutch another club member had the Danish so no point doubling up… 🙂

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