ADLG Warclouds 2023 Pars Duo

Continuing on my day one encounters from my prior post, ADLG Warclouds 2023 Pars Unos, the afternoon brought two more battles for my Early Imperial Romans and Emperor Trajan. These were against Republican Romans (again) and 100 Years War English. So on to the battles…

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ADLG Warclouds 2023 Pars Unos

Waitangi Weekend (4-5 February) 2023 saw the regular Christchurch Wargaming Club “Warclouds Tournament” which featured both 15mm and 28mm L’Art de la Guerre (ADLG) Ancients events – both run in the friendliest of atmospheres, with the 15mm being an informal tournament, and the 28mm event was a nominally more formal (albeit relaxed and loose) ‘swiss-chess’ style draw – with 8 participants. I was one of those participants…

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Punic Wars Impetvs

Yes, that’s right, had my first crack at the full version of the Impetus Ancient Rules at the weekend with Roundie (Wayne Steward) down at the AWC. I have been meaning to get into these for a while as they have looked promising as I have dabbled with the idea of them off and on over the years… Roundie offered to tutor me in a game and so on Sunday we got stuck in to have a crack at it. Roundie’s been hard at work converting his existing and building new armies for Impetus (or Impetvs as it would actually be written long ago), and his latest are for the Punic Wars, the series of struggles between the Graeco-African empire of Carthage, and the emerging new power that was Republican Rome. Continue reading “Punic Wars Impetvs”