CNC Oliphant Mk1A Tank
A beautiful model from CNC which is actually the Israeli Ben Gurion. I really like it that they come with separate side skirts.
This gallery has photos of my modern South African army and this page covers Tanks, AFVs and APCs. I still have a few models missing which I will add over time to
this page along with other South African models.
A beautiful model from CNC which is actually the Israeli Ben Gurion. I really like it that they come with separate side skirts.
The tanks was modifed slightly with a large stowage ppiece added to the back of the turret. Also I push-cast the road wheels and have added them to some tanks. Also the barrel was replaced with brass rod and green stuff. The CNC barrels are very fine but are very bendy and dont survive the rigours of wargaming very well. The numbers are decals from i-94 enterprises.
These were leftover from a WW2 army and I didn't want to use them for that period. Luckily the SADF still had some Comets in service so it is a good chace to use them. A very nice model from GHQ and the only change I made was to replace the barrel with brass rod and a blob of greenstuff on the end and add some stowage.
The model looks a bit out of proportion so I tried to improve it by making the turret taller and making the wheels larger. Its a minor improvement to this model which is still pretty good.
This is the turret from the Eland 90 on a Ratel hull. I switched the turret with one from a AML90 as it is a better turret model.
A great model which captures the Ratel vehicle very well (as does the rest of the Ratel range).
The turret is from the Eland 60 and the hull is from a Ratel 20.
Another very nice model from Scotia and part of the excellent South African range. Some WW2 US infantry were added from CnC, the the bar on top was made from a piece of brass rod.
A cool looking model from Scotia and a large vehicle. Also useful for District 9 scenarios!