Modern Russian Gallery
Newer models and painting style. Eventually all the older models will be repainted or replaced to this style.
This part of my web site is about 20th Century wargaming using 6mm (1/300th) figures. This is one of my favourite periods and the first period I started with when I started wargaming. It is mostly pictures of my armies with comments on the different models. To see some photos of the figures in action check out the Games Report section !
Newer models and painting style. Eventually all the older models will be repainted or replaced to this style.
A large army which is a mix of all the main 1/285 and 1/300th manufacturers. They are painted a plain olive green so they could be used for a 50-80s army and I have some in the late
80s "MERDC" style camo the Soviets used.
Click here to see Tanks and AT vehicles.
Click here to see APCs and Scout Cars.
Click here to see SPAA and other miscellaneous vehicles including a Lebed hovercraft.
Click here to see Towed and Self propelled Artillery.
Photos of my 90s French army in 1/300th. These are mainly Heroics and Ros models apart from the few mentioned. They were painted in the new NATO 3 colour camouflage scheme which was time consuming.
A 1980s Argentinean Army Cavalry Brigade using models from Scotia and Heroics & Ros models.
These are almost all Scotia models and covers virtually the whole range. Note I have begun repainting this army so the pictures are new along with some
new comments. I have not repainted any artillery and a few other vehicles yet, so I have left the old page here until they are finished.