Epic 40K Chaos army - Part1
A mostly Chaos Space marine army in Thousand Sons colours (Tzeentch) with lots of vehicle and figure conversions. This part provides a background to the project and the gallery contains Armour and Daemons.
A new section on this site covering my Sci fi forces. This section will eventually consist of some sci-fi buildings and some of my armies and battles reports. In the future I will add more articles on terrain making, forces and battle reports as I expand more into this area.
This is quite a new period for me so I don't know where this section will end up but I like the fact that it is more unconstrained than historical games. I hope to
create armies and terrain that is very different to historical forces and hopefully it will come through in the pages in this section. Hopefully more terrain
articles soon (I enjoy making terrain more than painting) and then battle reports as I try out different rules such as Dirtside, Future War commander, Strike
Legion and maybe even Iron Cow.
A mostly Chaos Space marine army in Thousand Sons colours (Tzeentch) with lots of vehicle and figure conversions. This part provides a background to the project and the gallery contains Armour and Daemons.
This second part covers lighter forces of Marines, Cultists, Objective markers and other random bits.
This my Brigade Model Pacific Federation army. They are great models and I like the style of these sciifi models and some of Brigades other ranges). They presented a few challenges for me to paint because of the clean smooth surfaces.
An after action report of a game of Dirtside with Pacfed forces vs GZG.
A scratch-built Scifi settlement made from a variety of house bits and pieces. This page shows the design, construction and painting of the settlement.
A gallery page showing the finished buildings. Really just a gallery of the finished models with the all comments in the Construction page.
Some additional Settlers buildings, Natural terrain and Ancient Alien ruins inspired by lots of different sources including Dr Suess!