Nuclear Assets - NEW
A mix of a Nuclear silo which was previously on the site but was lost during a redesign, and a new Nuclear power station. There are some construction details included along with pictures.
This Section focuses on creating wargaming
terrain. I enjoy playing on a table that has good looking terrain and I think it compliments a well painted army. There's nothing worse in my
opinion than tables covered with bits of fabric and cardboard for their terrain especially when so much time has been spent on the army.
A lot of my terrain is scratch built, as I can't find something I like or sometimes I feel inspired to create something different. A lot of
the ideas I get from browsing the web and looking at terrain in other scales.
A mix of a Nuclear silo which was previously on the site but was lost during a redesign, and a new Nuclear power station. There are some construction details included along with pictures.
A large chateau based on some Leven French buildings. Included is some step by step information of the contruction and modifcations.
In this gallery is a collection of cardboard (finpaper) buildings suitable in the Cold war (late 20th century) gaming. They used to be made by by Najewitz Modellbau but sadly they are not available from them anymore. I've given some details on how I built them and the extra pieces that I added.
In this gallery is a collection of industrial and commercial buildings and other structures for late 20th century gaming. There are factories,cell phone towers, roadworks and more new items will be added in the future.
These pages are a commission I completed and they depict modern a Iraqi/Arab town or city. The gallery also includes lots of details on the materials used and the construction of the bases. The buildings are primairly Gamecraft models and they were very nice.
Click here to view page two of the Iraqi/Arabic town gallery.
A small project to create a Greek town in 6mm. This was a fun project to use some Irregular buildings which I had lying around for a few years and create a nice looking diorama.
This a small but growing gallery of different Fantasy, Medieval and Ancients terrain pieces, which I have created over the years.
Like the movie "A Bridge too far" this project was challenging. I started this project to make this wonderful Arnhem bridge by The Baggage Train many years ago, but only recently brushed off the cobwebs and finished it!
This was a project to make a bunch of terrain as part of a commission. I was given a bunch of terrain for Vietnam and told to make what I could out of it, and here is the results.
The first part of a very large project to make some terrain boards for 6mm wargaming. They were designed to be used for a variety of different wargaming periods.
The second part of this large project to make some terrain boards for 6mm wargaming.
The final part in the series making terrain boards. This part shows the finished boards and some thoughts on how they have turned out, along with some ideas for future plans.
This page covers the construction steps and the removeable features used with the boards. These features are designed to be removeable and to fit onto the board where desired, and includes items such as roads, trees and power poles.
AKA The Directors cut. After using the boards for a couple of years some significant changes were made. Also an additional board was completed that was in an earlier part but it was dropped at the time.
Step by step pictures and information on an Autobahn/Highway I constructed for modern era wargames.
A page with suggestions and step by steps guides to making simple 6mm terrain pieces. This will be the beginning of some similar terrain articles to help out other 6mm gamers.
This is a step by step guide on basing your buildings. This is an older article but I have left it here until I create a newer version and there are still some good ideas worth looking at.