WW2 British aircraft
Pictures of my France 1940 British forces along with some European threatre 44-45 British.
These pages display some of the photos from my collection that I use for air combat games across the WW2 and Modern eras.
The aircraft are from a wide variety of manufacturers including Collectair (Scotia), Heroics and Ros, Raiden and a few from GHQ. I'll continue to add to this page with
some articles and more guides to scratch building and converting planes.
Some of the photos have been modified in Photoshop to remove the flight stands
and unfortunately its a bit obvious in some of the photos. The
buildings are Irregular, Timecast, Scratch built and from Military
Miniatures in NZ who are no longer are in business. The trees are a mix
of Woodland Scenics and K&M.
The Decals and numbers on the aircraft are either from I-94 or hand-painted.
Pictures of my France 1940 British forces along with some European threatre 44-45 British.
A gallery of pre WW2 Chinese Nationalist and Japanese aircraft from this lesser known war.
Regia Aeronautica aircraft from the 1939-43 period. Lots of colourful paint schemes.
Lots of pictures of late war jets and Nightfighters along with a few experimental aircraft.
This gallery contains photos of my Early war Polish, Finnish and Flying Tigers aircraft.
Photos of my Soviet Aircraft in 1/300th. These are mainly cold war aircraft and I started the collecting them as support for my 1/300th Soviet armies. I then got interested in some of the more obscure aircraft in service and ended up with planes like the Yak28 and Tu128.
The Falklands gallery contains photos of some Argentinan planes used during the 1982 war. We became interested in this period after playing C21 and they have been used many times the bomb British warships.
Photos of mid to late war german aircraft including a monster Zeppelin in 1/720th.
A gallery containing pictures from both these conflicts. At the moment there are pictures of Mig 15s, 17s and 19s with more to follow.
This two part article was a 3 year project to scatchbuild a firefox in 1/300th. The reason it took so long was that my interest waned and the project was put on hold for a couple of years.
Make your own buring markers to add some bling to your games.
An article which will hopefully be useful for adding some armament to you aircraft to make them look more realistic.