Scotia Samil 20 Truck
A great model which captures the look of the truck very well. Unfortunately there is not a open top version
This gallery has photos of my modern South African army and this page covers artillery (both self propelled and towed) and a few more trucks. I still have a few models missing which I will add over time to
this page along with other South African models.
A great model which captures the look of the truck very well. Unfortunately there is not a open top version
Very nice model and its huge!
Another large model which looks very impressive. The detailing is nice although the turret shape is incorrect.
These have been put on a base to repressent off table artillery support in WRG.
There is a mix of towed and unlimbered versions here. The crew is from Heroics and Ros. The SAMIL tractor is again another great model from Scotia.
More pictures of the battery. the gun crew are moderns British figures as they were the only suitable figures at the time.
MRL on a Samil 20 chassis, although I have also seen photos of them on a Unimog chassis.
More photos of part of the battery ready to fire. I added a few support vehicles but this is not an accurate depiction of a full battery.