6mm Wargaming

A collection of 6mm terrain pieces


This page has some photos of various buildings and pieces of terrain from my collection that I have brought and made. Some are used for my fantasy gaming but can often appear in my modern games!

A lot of the ideas that I used here are the same for all my terrain making so have a look at some of the other pages for more ideas and techniques. Inspiration for these came from larger scale terrain and some of the techniques are from 10 and 15mm scales.

Click on the thumbnails to see the full sized image

Medieval Camp

This was made from some of the Civilian range, Medieval Posh pack, and a few items from the equipment range, all from Irregular. The tents were made from Das modelling clay. In the pictures you can also see a figure getting hung and another getting crucified and these lovely figures are available from Irregular.


These rocks were made from tree bark "borrowed" from some office pot plants. The texture looked just right for 6mm scale and can also be used for larger scales. I started by painting them black and then drybrushed them progressively lighter shades of grey. I then gave the rocks a thin brown wash which I think helps them look slightly more realistic.


This was made from a few Bazaar and Markets models available from Irregular with some spare civilian figures and a wagon added. They come on a single base but I cut it up so I could move the figures around and have more variety. These are very well detailed and are highly reccommended to add some colour to your table.

Wizards Tower

All fantasy games need one of these! The rocky hill was from polystrene with Selley's smeared on it and covered with fine sand and grit, flocked and bushes added. The tower was a Marker pen covered with Selley's and the windows made from Das. The door was from Irregulars doors and window pack (which is extremely useful) The second shot shows a close up of the roof and the tiles. The roof was made from Cardboard squares cut up into tiles and glued on and then painted.

Sacrificing Druids and stone circle

The Sacrificing Druids (with a goat I think) are from Irregular and the Stone circle was scratch built from slabs of Greenstuff and Selleys. The base was raised slightly to make the altar and druids stand out. Another important addition to any table no matter which era!