Scotia Collectair Mig27 Flogger
It comes with the wings swept back and is a nice slender model. Compared to the Heroics and Ros model it is slightly lacking in detail, but still good. I need to add some ASMs to finish this model off.
This page has my collection of post war Soviet aircraft. I like some of the
more obscure planes (like the Yak28 and Tu128) and will soon be adding
some Su15s and others. I'm also planning to scratch build some Tu95
Bears and maybe Tu22 Blinders since they have always appealed to me and
they would be useful for scenarios.
It comes with the wings swept back and is a nice slender model. Compared to the Heroics and Ros model it is slightly lacking in detail, but still good. I need to add some ASMs to finish this model off.
A very cool looking plane finished in natural metal colours. This model appears to be the bomber variant as the nose looked like glass panels (before I painted over it). The wings are very slender and quite weak.
I'm not sure if this is the correct colour scheme but I'm happy with the finished product. The missiles are spares from GHQ Su25s and really add to the model.
A beautiful model and I wish I could afford more of them! Note the huge amount of ordannce this thing carries (and that GHQ supply with their models).
No one makes these so I scratch built a couple of these using balsawood for the body and plasticard for the wings. I'm very happy with the results. If I was to make it again, I would make the body from plasticard or something that I could scribe details into.
This picture will give you an idea of how big this plane is. It was (is) the largest fighter in the world!
This is a big model and looks pretty impressive and a great model from H&R. This needs some more work to finish off the model including some decals and ordinance.
Painted in natural finish. This photo doesn't really do the model justice as it is very nice and has good slender wings.
This was built using a H&R Su47 although it changed so much it would have been easier to start from scratch! See the main Airwar page for a detailed article on the construction process.