GHQ Typhoon IB
A beautiful model from GHQ as you would expect. The rockets are nicely moulded as well. I choose to leave the propellor off as I didn't think it would last as a gaming model
This page shows my British aircraft collection from the 1940-1945 era of the war. The early war stuff is intended for France 1940 gaes whiel the late war planes are from the Normandy invasion onwards. The quality of models in recent years has improved dramtically with new manufacturers and existing ones extending their ranges.
The planes were painted using acrylic paints (Tamiya, Vallejo and Gunze) though an airbrush, and the markings and numbers are decals from I-94 and Doms Decals.
A beautiful model from GHQ as you would expect. The rockets are nicely moulded as well. I choose to leave the propellor off as I didn't think it would last as a gaming model
A gorgeous model but too late for Normandy (my main late war focus) or even WW2. Never mind as it is very nice and I'm sure I will find a use for it.
An average model compared to Raiden or GHQ but the shape is good and it doesnt suffer from crooked wings like the H&R model. One of the spitfires has the markings of Johnnie Johnsons personal aircraft.
A great looking model from Raiden with markings from the 1st and 79th Squadrons. Its hard to see in the pictures but there is some very nice panel scribing on the fuselage.
Another very good model from Raiden and one of the few models of the Mk1 version. The markings are from 1940 France and the famous 54 and 74 Squadrons.
A very good model of this aircraft from Scotia and it looks right. I added a machine gun barrel on the turret with some wire. The paint scheme and markings are from 600 Squadron, which I believe fought in France during the 1940 campagn.
A famous fighter in WW2 but for all the wrong reasons. A nice model from Scotia and popular with wargamers. The markings are from 264 Squadron.