I was recently contacted by Valdemar Miniatures – and looking at their website they look to have a pretty stunning series of products. Including 3D Printed ships suitable for Viking Longships and small Medieval Cogs. They describe their figures as 25mm (1/72nd) so they may or may not be a tad smaller than other 28mm manufacturers like the Perrys, Foundry, Artizan, etc. However they produce two ranges of medieval figures, one which is their premium range, what they call “Museum Quality”.
They also do some really nice buildings & terrain – some of which is also 3D Printed. The ranges include a lot of medieval russian figures, buildings, and the boats mentioned above. Having not seen the figures in person I can’t comment on the size or vouch for the quality – but they certainly look well worth a look if you are a medieval enthusiast. You cna check out their site at www.valdemarminiatures.com (I found it a bit flakey and many links didn’t work or gave errors – so hopefuly they’ll get that fixed soon). You can find their 3D Printed stuff on Shapeways under ValdemarMiniatures.