ADLG Warclouds 2023 Pars Duo

Continuing on my day one encounters from my prior post, ADLG Warclouds 2023 Pars Unos, the afternoon brought two more battles for my Early Imperial Romans and Emperor Trajan. These were against Republican Romans (again) and 100 Years War English. So on to the battles…

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ADLG Warclouds 2023 Pars Unos

Waitangi Weekend (4-5 February) 2023 saw the regular Christchurch Wargaming Club “Warclouds Tournament” which featured both 15mm and 28mm L’Art de la Guerre (ADLG) Ancients events – both run in the friendliest of atmospheres, with the 15mm being an informal tournament, and the 28mm event was a nominally more formal (albeit relaxed and loose) ‘swiss-chess’ style draw – with 8 participants. I was one of those participants…

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ADLG Mycenaeans vs. Persians

This week I finally got in my second game of L’Art De La Guerre (following on from my introductory game June last year), this time 300 points and hosted by Andre at the Christchurch Wargaming Club. I decided to trot out my Mycenaeans who have not seen action in a long time, and opposing me Andre fielded Achaemenid Persians – so an anachronistic match-up but a not too far off semi-historical mix of opposing troop types – well at least if you ignore the wheels on the chariots (and think of them as cavalry)!

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Discovering L’Art De La Guerre

Over the long weekend just gone (Queen’s Birthday here in NZ) I was back in my home town of Christchurch and my old local wargaming club there had some members hosting an introduction and training day for Art De La Guerre (ADLG) to coincide with the recent release of Version 4 of the rules. This looked an interesting opportunity to finally try these out and also catch up with several old wargaming comrades from the 1980’s and early 1990’s (most of whom I have not crossed paths with for many years).

Games would be 200 points in size (essentially the smallest size game normally played, and vaguely similar to big battle DBA in army size – more commonly games are 300 points or occasionally 400 points), and the focus would be on basic mechanics, and for those already familiar with ADLG, the rule changes in version 4. The game was played in 15mm and the Early Imperial Romans’ were loaned by Andre (one of the event organisers & host) and my opponent was Gordon with quasi-historical Gallic opposition.

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