For the Defence of Florina Mini-Campaign
Anglo-Greek Objective & Briefing
General Mackay, you must hold the Vevi Gap for as long as possible, to buy time for the Commonwealth forces to finish deploying on the Aliakmon River Line. You must also cover the withdrawal of the Greek 20th & 12th Divisions on your eastern (right) flank, while maintaining contact with the Greek Cavalry Division to the west. The Greeks will require at least 3 nights to complete their withdrawal, so you must hold for that time at Vevi. You must delay the German advance for as long as possible, but you must also preserve your force intact. Ultimately the preservation of Commonwealth units must come first. Good Luck!

Anglo-Greek Initial Deployment
Divisional Headquarters in B4-72 (Perdika)
1st Armoured Brigade in B4-42 (Sotir)
All other troops anywhere inside rectangle of A3-21, B4-21, B4-42, A3-42 inclusive.
(Support troops may be attached to any Mackay Force Fighting Battalions, or to Greek units if from Lee Force as noted in OOB list).
All in rectangle A1-31, A3-31, A3-51, A1-51 inclusive.
All in rectangle C1-11, C4-11, C4-21, C1-21 inclusive.
Anglo-Greek Fortifications
All Anglo-Greek forces (including Artillery Guns) begin the Game in Foxholes/Gun Pits (-1 Light Cover), except the 21st Greek Brigade who begin the game Entrenched (-2 Cover & Close Combat Bonus).
Anglo-Greek OOB
ANGLO-GREEK FORCES General Mackay MACKAY FORCE (Improvised Commonwealth Division) QUALITY: Regular (except 1st Rangers who are Green, and all Artillery Regts who are Veteran). FORCE HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon & Truck* 1st ARMOURED BRIGADE: BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ A13 Mk.2 Cruiser, 1 A13 Mk.2 Cruiser. 3rd BATTALION, ROYAL TANK REGIMENT: REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ A10 Cruiser, 1 A10 CS Cruiser. "A" SQUADRON: 3 A10 Cruisers. "B" SQUADRON: 3 A10 Cruisers. "C" SQUADRON: 3 A10 Cruisers. 4th "QUEENS OWN" HUSSARS: REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS: HQ Mk.VIB Light Tank. 3 SQUADRONS, each: 3 Mk.VIB Light Tanks. 19th AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY BRIGADE: BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon & Truck. 19th BRIGADE ANTI-TANK COMPANY: 2 2pdrs, 2 Trucks. 2/4th AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY BATTALION: BATTALION HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon, 1 Engineer Platoon, 1 Carrier Platoon. 3 RIFLE COMPANIES, each: 3 Rifle Platoons. 2/8th AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY BATTALION: BATTALION HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon, 1 Engineer Platoon, 1 Carrier Platoon. 4 RIFLE COMPANIES, each: 3 Rifle Platoons. LEE FORCE (Brigadier Lee - Commander Corps Artillery):** 1st RANGERS MOTOR BATTALION: BATTALION HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon & Truck. 4 MOTOR COMPANIES, each: 1 Carrier Platoon, 3 Rifle Platoons, 3 Trucks. 27th NEW ZEALAND MG BATTALION: BATTALION HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon, 1 Rifle Platoon, 2 Trucks. 1/27th MG COMPANY: 3 HMG Platoons, 3 Trucks. 2/27th MG COMPANY: 3 HMG Platoons, 3 Trucks. 2/1st AUSTRALIAN ANTI-TANK REGIMENT: REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon & Truck. 4 ANTI-TANK BATTERIES, each: 3 2pdrs, 3 Trucks. 2nd ROYAL HORSE ARTILLERY REGIMENT: REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon & Truck. 2 FIELD ARTILLERY BATTERIES, each: 3 25pdrs, 3 Trucks. 64th MEDIUM ARTILLERY REGIMENT: REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon & Truck. 211th MEDIUM BATTERY: 2 4.5" Guns & Tractors. 234th MEDIUM BATTERY: 2 4.5" Guns & Tractors. 2/3rd AUSTRALIAN FIELD ARTILLERY REGIMENT: REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon & Truck. 2 FIELD ARTILLERY BATTERIES, each: 3 25pdrs, 3 Trucks (possibly has 18pdr Field Guns not 25pdrs). 102nd ANTI-TANK REGIMENT: 1 BATTERY: 3 2pdrs, 3 Trucks. RASC TRANSPORT UNITS: 15 Truck stands (sufficient for 1 Battalion) to move non-motorised units (Australians). 21st GREEK INFANTRY BRIGADE (Greek Cavalry Division) QUALITY: Veteran BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon (Mounted), 1 (HQ Defence) Infantry Platoon. BRIGADE GUN COMPANY: 1 65/17 Infantry Gun & Horsed Limber. BRIGADE MORTAR COMPANY: 1 81mm Mortar Platoon (with Pack Animals). I INFANTRY BATTALION: BATTALION HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon. 3 RIFLE COMPANIES, each: 3 Rifle Platoons. 1 MG COMPANY: 3 HMG Platoons. II INFANTRY BATTALION: Organised exactly as I Infantry Battalion. DIVISIONAL ATTACHMENTS (from the Greek Cavalry Division): FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION: 3 75/36 Field Guns & Limbers (Horses). ELEMENTS OF 1 CENTRAL MACEDONIAN ARMY MG BATTALION: 1 MG BATTERY of: 2 MG SECTIONS, each: 3 HMG Platoons. DODECANESE REGIMENT (20th Greek Infantry Division) QUALITY: Roll D6 for each Battalion (1-2 = Green, 3-6 = Regular); HQ, Mortars & Artillery are Regular REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon, 1 (HQ Defence) Infantry Platoon. 2 REGIMENTAL MORTAR 'COMPANIES', each: 1 81mm Mortar Platoon (with Pack Animals). I DODECANESE INFANTRY BATTALION: BATTALION HEADQUARTERS: 1 HQ Platoon. 3 RIFLE COMPANIES, each: 3 Rifle Platoons. 1 MG COMPANY: 3 HMG Platoons. II DODECANESE INFANTRY BATTALION: Organised exactly as I Dodecanese Infantry Battalion. III DODECANESE INFANTRY BATTALION: Organised exactly as I Dodecanese Infantry Battalion. III CENTRAL MACEDONIAN ARMY HEAVY ARTILLERY BATTALION: 3 155/15 Howitzers & Horsed Limbers. * Mackay Force Headquarters is equivalent to a Divisional Headquarters and must act as such (i.e. can't be attached to another unit). The local Greek forces (21st Brigade & Dodecanese Regiment) are under it's command. *** "Lee" Force troops are all "Divisional Support" units and may be attached to Any Anglo-Greek Fighting Battalion except the Rangers Motor Battalion. *** A13 Mk.2 (Mk.IV Cruiser) is identified on the datacards as A13 Mk.IV (i.e. A13 Mk.2, Cruiser Mk.IV). 1 British Tank Battalion may be attached out as support troops (historically the 4th Hussars were used this way), but the other must remain as a fighting battalion.
Go to Greek Datacard.
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