Sometime (i.e. 2-3 years) ago I acquired several pre-painted 28mm French Generals on EBay – they were spur of the moment purchases put to one side for when I eventually got around to doing my 28mm French Napoleonic Army. As I am hoping to start work on that in the near future I thought I should work out what I actually have! As a result I’m trying to identify these figures – both maker and what they are (e.g. are they personalities or just generic ‘Generals’ or even just Infantry/Cavalry Colonels or ADCs?) – so I’ve posted them here in the hope someone passing by may recognise them and be able to clarify for me what actual manufacturer’s figure they are…

To date my investigations suggest that:
- Front Rank’s “General in Greatcoat“, their pack FNP13.
- Foundry’s “General in Greatcoat” from their FN263 Generals pack (I appear to have picked up 2 of these).
- Front Rank’s “Cuirassier General in Bicorn“, their pack FNP15.
- Has the plume broken off his Shako – obviously lost in transit – and is in what appears to be a Hussar uniform. He’s been painted up in red trousers & pelisse with a blue tunic (with red facings) which may or may not indicate who he is. His horse is not a Foundry one, nor any of the current Front Rank ones (it has a distinctive trotting pose with its head up but turned and it’s base is an unusual shape). There appears to be nothing in the Perry range that matches either…? UPDATE: I’ve been told this is an old Connoisseur Miniatures figure (now sold by Bicorne Miniatures) – The figs are only sold in Battalion Packs now and there are no photos on the Bicorne website and no Generals or Staff Officers listed. 🙁
- Foundry’s “General in Full Dress” also from their FN263 Generals pack.
- Is in Hussar Uniform, with Colpack (with red ‘bag’), and has been painted in all blue uniform (trousers & tunic – with red facings) but has a red pelisse. He looks to have a light cavalry cartridge box & belt over his shoulder so may be a Cavalry Command figure? His horse looks very Foundry like in style and size – but I can’t find any matching figure on the Foundry website (nor the Perry or Front Rank ones for that matter)…? UPDATE: I’ve also had it suggested this chap could be an Elite Miniatures figure – unfortunately there are few photos on the site so I can only speculate if he is perhaps simply a Hussar Regiment Officer from an Elite Company (i.e. Pack FC13a “Elite Hussar Command in Colpack“) as Elite dont’ appear to do many Generals or ADC & Staff figures.
So if anyone could help with identifying No.4 and No.6 I’d be much obliged – Perhaps they are Front Rank & Foundry models that have since been withdrawn and thus no longer appear on their website. Neither look to be in the style of Redoubt Miniatures, so I’m a bit stumped who else they might be…?
I’ve had it suggested No.4 is an old Connoisseur Figure (now part of Bicorne) and No.6 is probably an Elite Figures chap – so I shall investigate that further on the morrow…