Back at the start of 2013 I posted about my gaming buddy Kieran building some Italeri Kitsets for his WW2 Normandy Games – and that as he did such a great job I might need to get him to build the kits I have in my stockpile for me as well! Well he ended up building some on commission for another AWC member, who then subsequently decided to discontinue WW2 gaming in 20mm scale – and so those completed custom models have ended up in my collection – alleviating the onerous need for me to assemble my existing kits of them! Brilliant outcome if you ask me! The first of them is the Country House with Porch (Italeri Kit 6075).

As with his models in the 2013 post I mentioned above Kieran has put some effort into customising things like the window shutters and wall textures (although Kieran has not routed out the underside of the tiles on the roof of this model like his own one – it’s a small flaw with the Italeri kit’s roof but requires quite a bit of time to work through with the dremel to correct – however the roof on this model is removable so I may get my dremel out and add that detail later). Kieran has also done a nice little diorama base for the house rounding it out to make it a tidy and very good looking bit of kit!

The model itself is a non-specific enough to cover anything from western europe from about the late 18th century (Napoleonic era) until modern times (World War 2 and beyond). It’s architecture is probably sufficient to cover France and Belgium, Most of Italy, as well as parts of Northern Spain and possibly Croatia/Northern Bosnia, etc. At a pinch it may pass for other areas around the Mediterranean (e.g. French & Spanish colonial territories). On the whole a great addition to the terrain library!
Update: For those interested the gates Kieran used in the model are from Gamecraft, the wall pillars are from a Busch HO model railway wall set (6016 Schmiedeeisen Zaun/Fence with Gate), the bottom part of the wall is foamboard and the railing along the top is some cross stitch sheeting cut up.
Read on with Part 2: Italeri Church.

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