Recently I’ve been looking at the Friend or Foe (FoF) figure range from Shell Hole Scenics. However there is a marked lack of photos to compare the figures. Enquires on the web such as at the 20mm Miniatures Yahoo Group generally just resulted in limited feedback and several enquires back about what the figures looked like! I have picked some up indirectly and got the following photos of them for comparison. As it seems the manufacturer has very limited photos on their website (although Peter at Battlescape the Australian distributor does have some) I thought I’d put these images up for the benefit of anyone interested.
In a couple of the photos there is an Axal WW2 Belgian Infantryman (from Liberation Miniatures) and this gives a comparison for size – Axal figs are generally middle of the range height wise for 20mm but a but chunkier (or bigger bellied) – so the Friend or Foe guys do look reasonably large by comparison (and probably will dwarf SHQ and possibly even Warmodelling/Fantassin size figures, while the slightly taller AB’s will probably match height wise but will look decidedly emancipated alongside). The FoF chaps also have extraordinarily large and thick bases (I normally base on Litko 3mm ply and these chaps will have to go on the 1.5mm stuff to offset their bases)… However Friend or Foe do offer a very nice range of unusual subjects (like Romanians, including Cavalry & Mountain Troops, Hungarians, Russian Penal Troops & Factory Militia, and Free French Goumiers to name a few). Once I physically have some of these figures I’ll post an update to this article on their quality and comparison to other brands.
Pictured here are a selection from the Romanian Range (Cavalry, Infantry, and Mountain Troops):
Additional Comparison
The following are 3 images comparing a FoF Romanian Mountain Trooper (Pack ROM-19) against a Warmodelling (Fantassin) Russian figure in a similar pose (from Pack WW01 “Kursk WWII Red Army Summer Infantry”). The Warmodelling figures are a fairly consistent 20mm size figure – close to 1/76th so of average height and fair build with reasonably anatomically correct proportions so a good general guide.
Related or Useful Pages
- My 20mm (1/76th & 1/72nd) Figure Comparison comparing most WW2 20mm figure ranges for size (although lacking FoF figures).
- Battlescape Military Books & Models (who have pictures of the FoF French Goumiers, Hungarian Cavalry, & Indian figures).
- Shell Hole Scenics (Friend or Foe Figures) Home Page for the full range of Friend or Foe figures (no photos though at the time of this article unfortunately).
Article Updated with Warmodelling Comparison Photos.
Where can I buy this figures?
Please tell me, thanks in advance.
Hi – see links in article above – Battlescape in Brisbane, Australia stock them. Otherwise see Shell Hole Scenic’s, the manufacturer’s, website – both linked in the above article. Cheers & HTH. 🙂
Where can I buy this figures? Please tell me, thanks in advance.
Hi – see links in article above – Battlescape in Brisbane, Australia stock them. Otherwise see Shell Hole Scenic’s, the manufacturer’s, website – both linked in the above article. Cheers & HTH. 🙂