1866 And All That is the blog of well known New Zealand Wargamer & Sculptor Mark Strachan. Mark has been involved in Historical wargaming since 1972. He is most well known as the sculptor behind many (or most) of the figures and/or models produced by the now defunct New Zealand wargaming manufacturer Military Miniatures (the business eventually ceased operating as Military Miniatures, but then morphed into the current Battlefront/Flames of War business). Many a New Zealand Wargamer has buildings, terrain (rivers, roads, scenery), or figures, designed by Mark in their collection.

Mark is also know for publishing a serious of excellent handbooks on “Refighting The Great Battles of the American Civil War” in 1992 useful as guides for wargamers. These days Mark’s main area’s of interest are the 19th Century, namely the Napoleonic Wars, US-Mexican War, Franco-Austrian War, American Civil War, Danish War of 1864, Austro-Prussian War, Franco-Prussian War, Russo-Japanese War, and World War I. He also games English Civil War. Check out Mark’s blog to see what he’s up to these days…

Mark~ your Warfare in the Industrial Age~ i’m using to fight a FPW game ~ have i got it wrong on the Morale charts (?)~page 10 ,5,25 Testing Morale after receiving fire:if you start with the units’ morale number (4 in most cases) the test weighs up the negatives & the positives by adding the former & subtracting the latter~ if you do that then ,to roll lower to pass the test is easier than if you minus the negatives & add the positives~ which surely ought to be the case?!
my chronic inability to roll the dice score that i need makes it hard enough anyway ~ so much so i have dice in a bubble with a press down trigger to ,throw the dice for me , but i’m just wondering if by any chance there was a printing error at the publishers ?!
great rules btw ~ i like how you’ve already worked out the hit ratios , but am having difficulty with the morale tests , which appear back to front ,to my way of thinking !
i’m questioning my own judgement not your rules , of course ..
yours Jonty Hall
Hi Jonty, unfortunately this isn’t Mark’s site. You’d need to go to his 1866 and all that blog (linked above) or similar to contact him…