ADLG Warclouds 2023 Pars Duo

Continuing on my day one encounters from my prior post, ADLG Warclouds 2023 Pars Unos, the afternoon brought two more battles for my Early Imperial Romans and Emperor Trajan. These were against Republican Romans (again) and 100 Years War English. So on to the battles…

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John Curry’s “History Of Wargaming” Upate

On the 04 May 2012 John Curry sent the following update out concerning his “History of Wargaming” project for those who may not have seen it:

This is a short occasional update on the publishing progress of the History of Wargaming Project. The project has gone digital and about 20 of the books/rules are now available as e-books from the iBook Store, The Nook, or from The rest of the back catalogue will be converted in due course. Peter Perla’s Art of Wargaming, a book about the professional use of wargaming (as well as much interesting material about the history of wargaming), is now out in paperback. Donald Featherstone has seen his novel Redcoats for the Raj, back into print and he has completed a new novel, The Badgered Men. Donald Featherstone’s classic book Air War Games has now been updated and is now [again] in print.

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Return to the English Civil War

My Warlord Games ECW Packs
My Warlord Games ECW Packs

There has been a fair bit of recent discussion on the Auckland Wargaming Club group about doing a Basic Baroque 15mm ECW (English Civil War) tournament or mini-campaign. Basic Baroque is a variant to Basic Impetus & Impetus. Now I’m not much taken by 15mm armies (I’ve sworn off these completely), however the Basic Baroque rules interest me as a possible simple set for doing some 28mm ECW in the short term – especially as I long since lost interest in DBR (De Bellis Renationis) as lacking flavour for the later renaissance period and most especially the mid to late Seventeenth Century ECW & TYW (Thirty Years War) and after.

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