Fire & Sword in the Sudan: June-August 1883

Illustrated London News

June 1883: Unrest in the Sudan

Our correspondent reports that the tribes of the Southern Sudan have risen in response to the call by the so-called Mahdi and Prophet, Mohammed Ahmed, a carpenter originally from Dongola, for a jihad against the Egyptian occupation of the Sudan. The towns of El Dueim, Jebelein and Fashoda in the far south of the country are believed to have fallen to rebel forces, their garrisons massacred or gone over to swell the ranks of the enemy.

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Fire & Sword in the Sudan: Player Briefings

Illustrated London News

Colonel (Brevet General) William Hicks Pasha

Aged 53, you retired from the Indian army in 1880 after a largely uneventful career, despite being mentioned in despatches for good conduct at the action of Sitka Ghaut during the mutiny and acting as brigade major in the Abyssinian expedition. Life in Brighton was rather more expensive than you anticipated (Mrs Hicks having expensive tastes) and the damp weather made your arthritis worse, so you took the opportunity to enter the Khedive’s service after the Egyptian war of 1882.

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Fire & Sword in the Sudan: The Essex Version


The following is the account of a Fire & Sword Campaign played by The Essex Warriors, near Chelmsford, in the UK. The campaign was organised and umpired by Simon Walker who also acted as the Mahdist C-in-C for table-top battles, while the key personalities were played by club members Richard (Gen. Graham), Tim (Gen. Wolseley), Mike (Valentine Baker), & John (Col. Hicks). Each player was given a briefing and an outline of their personal objectives for the campaign.

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Scottish Corridor II

Scots InfantryKieran and I had arranged to play a “Hit The Dirt” scenario with Errol Hooker (who was coming down from Whangarei for the day), so we selected ‘Scottish Corridor’, as we had played it previously and knew it was a suitable medium-sized scenario that had a little of everything (Tanks, Infantry, Indirect Fire, etc). I had also recently started work on some new terrain (3D fields and Bocage style hedges) so we had slightly better terrain for it than the previous occasion. I also got the ridge right this time with the reclining slope on the back of the ridge, and we endeavoured to get the table to even more closely match the map. Unfortunately Errol couldn’t make it at short notice, but Kieran and I continued on, and we had another Auckland Wargamer (Grant Brown) present as an observer interested in Crossfire.

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Road Block on Highway 120 (sort of)

Churchill "I"-Tanks on Highway 120.Kieran and I lined up yet another “Hit The Dirt” scenario, Highway 120 looked interesting, but my US & Italian forces were either still waiting to be based up or only part painted. So to get round the issue we transplanted the scenario to a later period – Summer 1944 in Italy after the fall of Rome… The Americans would be replaced by British Infantry with Churchills from a supporting Tank Brigade, and the Italians replaced with Germans. Otherwise the OOB was pretty close to what was in Hit the Dirt. Kieran would command the German Defenders, and I the British Attackers.

The game started with a general advance on a broad front – the leading British Infantry Company advanced with a 2 up 1 back formation with the Churchills supporting the centre & left of the advance. Initially no enemy were encountered and the advance moved swiftly covering half the distance to the stream.

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Scottish Corridor I

German InfantryKieran and I decided to play yet another “Hit The Dirt” scenario, so we selected ‘Scottish Corridor’, as a suitable medium-sized scenario that matched our available forces on the day. Before going further please note that all hedge lines and such in the scenario are Bocage, however in the photos we have only used normal Hedges and Lichen to represent these, so bear that in mind when viewing. Note we also got the map slightly wrong in the North-East corner (top right), we misread the contour as a further elevation rather than the reclining slope on the back of the ridge it should be – however this was to have no impact on the game.

In the scenario a Company of the 2nd Argyle Highlanders is holding an exposed bridgehead during Operation Epsom, and is subjected to repeated but poorly managed counter attacks from the 10th SS Panzer Division who have just arrived in Normandy.

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Green Hell (Revisited)

Tommies!Kieran and I have had copies of “Hit The Dirt” for sometime (in fact I have had a copy since it was published) and had not made a serious attempt to play any of the scenarios. However we recently decided to work our way through the book and play the scenarios as best we could with our available forces. Deciding to start from the beginning we selected Green Hell, the very first Scenario in the book. In Green Hell a well supported German Company must overcome a larger (but poorer) Soviet Force in a large forest in Poland in 1941. Our troop availability (at the time) dictated a move to 1944 and North-West Europe or Italy (we chose the former) with British and German forces.

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Exercise Resurgence 1993

1990's Germans.Hypothetical 1993 NATO exercise with reinforced British Para Company clearing a village held by a reduced German Panzer Grenadier Company.

As one of our first games using Crossfire for a ‘Modern’ game we pitted my 1980’s Falklands War British Paras against Kieran’s newly painted up modern (1990+) Germans in a NATO training exercise. My Brits would be supported by light armour in the form of a pair of CVR(T)’s (i.e. a Scorpion & a Scimitar), and the Germans had integral LAW (Panzerfaust 3’s) and a supporting Milan ATGW team. Nearby some Mechanics in a Fuchs Transport Panzer are repairing a Leopard II MBT from the previous day’s exercise (as an excuse to get Kieran’s new vehicles on table as well)!

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