Another of the World War I ‘side shows’ I’m keen on is the campaigns in East Africa against the German East Africa Colony (today primarily Tanzania). I have had some units for this (and pre-war 1890-1914 Colonial actions) for some time (i.e. about 2 years), albeit waiting for basing to be completed… This theatre has lots of opportunity for variety, both in pre-war Colonial actions against native tribesmen, and the Great War period, where the action spilled over into the areas of modern Kenya, Uganda, Rhodesia, Mozambique, & Zambia. This is an excuse to put up some initial pictures of them (albeit with unfinished basing), and the figures depicted are from the first unit each of European and Askari Schutztruppe, and the unit of Seebatallione Marines.

The figures are primarily Pulp (the Seebattalione Marines) and Brigade Games (Schutztruppe, both the Europeans in Südwesters & the Askari) with a Copplestone officer chap mixed in (the Askari unit). Included amongst the European Schuztruppe in Südwester hats is Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck himself – who will ultimately be the German force’s C-in-C once I have a new officer for that unit. The Südwester was less common in East-Africa so I’ll be adding a second unit of European Schutztruppe in Tropical Helmets, and for the Schutztruppe Askari (the existing chaps who are in tarbush or fez with khaki covers) I will be adding a second unit in the shapeless floppy hats. The force will be rounded out by a half-unit of German Sailors (10 figs) to represent the crews from sunken & scuttled ships like the Konigsberg, and a couple of Machine-Guns & a light Mountain Gun manned by more Askari.
Some or all of this force will also be suitable for German South-West Africa and Kamerun (Cameroon/East-Africa) late-Colonial & Great-War settings. Opponents will be my assorted Darkest Africa Tribesmen, Ruga-Ruga, & Zanzibari for Colonial Actions and for the Great War my existing Tropical Uniformed British and some new Indian Army units (which will all double up for Gallipoli/Palestine/Mesopotamia as well as East Africa), as well as my existing generic Askari unit. To finish this theatre I will probably add a King’s African Rifles (KAR) unit to the British force.
- Recommended Related Website: German Colonial Uniforms.