Operation Crossfire: World Event Aftermath

Operation Crossfire Aftermath

As mentioned in my “Operation Crossfire: A World Wargaming Event” post, following on from the hugely successful “World Crossfire Day” event in 2009, Nikolas Lloyd organised Operation Crossfire in 2014; another global Crossfire event. You can read the details of some of the individual battles in my Operation Crossfire: The Battle Reports post. These previous posts feature the introductory briefing video and after action reports of some of the battle sectors, so now find out exactly what happened in the grand operation directly from the organiser himself…

To finish, I leave it to Ross Kearns, who was the Allied Commander in DEE Sector: “Lloyd was dead right to stick with this plan when others were trying to persuade him to go for a repeat of WCFD 2009 [World Crossfire Day], even though it meant having to put it back a bit until he got the numbers. I think I’ve read all there is to read online about WCFD and as amazing as it sounded, I really felt that this event surpassed it in every way (save, understandably, for the number of battles and countries represented). Lloyd – you have my genuine and heartfelt thanks for a brilliant and inspiring event“.

Find more in the ‘Operation Crossfire’ series (including both the Operation Crossfire World Gaming Event & Crossfire FAQ Videos) by Nikolas Lloyd on You Tube. You can also read about “Operation Crossfire” in Nikolas Lloyd’s excellent article in Miniature Wargames Magazine #388 (August 2015).

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