New Table Top Teasers Book!

tabletopteasers1Battlegames Magazine announces the publication of the first Table Top Teasers wargaming scenario book by C. S. Grant.

My copy of Table Top Teasers Volume 1 has just arrived from Battlegames – and I must say most inspiring. I loved reading C.S. Grant’s teasers back in the 80’s (in Battle, Military Modelling, & Practical Wargamer), and although these are a compiled reprint of the first 12 that have appeared in Battlegames, they are still well worth the money with extra colour and a game report for each one. Additionally the book includes 2 additional ‘bonus’ teasers, including a reprint of the very first ever teaser from Battle Magazine in 1978!

Get your copy now from Henry at Battlegames…




Fire & Sword Battle 02: The March to Wadi Halfa

Having camped but a days march from the approaches to Wadi Halfa in late September 1883, Sir Henry Frotheringham’s relief column is suddenly assaulted in the early dawn by a large Dervish Force…!

Continue reading “Fire & Sword Battle 02: The March to Wadi Halfa”

The new

Perry Miniatures' Sudanese Infantry from my collection
Perry Miniatures' Sudanese Infantry from my collection

Today is the big day as I load the redesigned site into the live environment. Regrettably it is not fully 100% complete as some sections do not have all their material yet – but websites are always evolving creatures so as time permits I’ll get to those more obscure areas. If you are browsing the new site and find any odd links that don’t work or areas that don’t appear to display correctly, please let me know – the site has been designed with Opera and I have also tested it with Firefox & good ol’ sluggish I.E. – so it should display consistently & correctly in those browsers and any other W3C compliant ones. As always I appreciate any feedback, good or bad… I hope people enjoy and find something of interest?







Eyes from Ethiopia

Eyes from Ethiopia
Eyes from Ethiopia

In November 2008, New Zealand Photographer Kate MacPherson introduced sixteen children from Mercy Home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to digital cameras. All had come either directly from living on the streets or from extremely poor and underprivileged backgrounds and had never seen a camera before. Their enthusiasm and delight in photography have culminated in some incredibly unique and inspired imagery. You can view and buy their images (the funds from purchases going to support them). Learn more at Eyes from Ethiopia…



Fire & Sword Turn 02: December 1883

Continuing from Revolt in the Sudan’s Turn 01: November 1883, the Anglo-Egyptians get a lucky break, the Khedive is relieved to hear the revolt hasn’t spread to Darfur & Kordofan, the breadbasket of the Sudan. Meanwhile in Khartoum the available supplies have actually increased thanks to Bordein’s unexpected, albeit hasty, arrival. However Abu Hamed is not looking so lucky – it has only 2 turns of supplies and the only possible help that might reach them is plucky Talahawiyeh, who, if very very lucky, may reach the garrison by the end of this turn, if she doesn’t they may have to gamble on sallying out to try and drive off the Dervishes long-enough to forage for supplies.

Continue reading “Fire & Sword Turn 02: December 1883”

WW2 (& WW1) Mosquito Fleets

Having been recently inspired by a David Manley article reprinted* in the latest SOTCW (Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers) Journal for fast play Motor Torpedo Boat rules for World War II, I am looking to dust off my reasonable fleet of 1/600th scale vessels that have been living in boxes for 15 years – since my days of playing “Fast Attack!” Looking forward to hauling these out soon so keep an eye out for some new material later in 2009 on this… While I am mainly a fan of Skytrex 1/600th models I’ve been further inspired to do WWI as well by Dave G’s range of models at PT Dockyard showing what the possibilities are.

(*David Manley’s fast play MTB rules were first published in “Wargames Journal” issue 9 at the start of 2008).

World War I & Related Conflicts

ww1tank1While the origins of World War I (know at the time as “The” Great War) lie back in the latter part of the 19th Century from a wargaming perspective it really begins with the two Balkan Wars (in 1912-13), although the Russo-Japanese War (in 1904-1905) is also nominally part of this period; while the latter saw the first significant use of modern ‘Dreadnought’ style warships with a few large guns in rotating turrets, the former was the immediate forerunner to the out break of WWI and occurred in land warfare terms after the culmination of about 30 years of continuous major improvements in Weapons (Pistols, Rifles, Machine-Guns, Quick Firing Artillery, etc).

Continue reading “World War I & Related Conflicts”

Fire & Sword Battle 01: Skirmish before Metemma

Maizoub ‘John’ Pasha despatches Talahawiyeh (with her 9pdr Gun, Nordenfelt MG, & detachment of 6 armed Sailors) towing a Nuggar and transporting the 4/5th Egyptian Company (20 men), down river towards Abu Hamed – to discover the full situation and re-establish contact with the latter; and if possible, Cairo. The expedition is under the command of Captain Wahab El Zahra Agha, officer commanding the 4/5th Egyptian Rifle Company.

Continue reading “Fire & Sword Battle 01: Skirmish before Metemma”

Fire & Sword Turn 01: November 1883

The campaign begins with a violent revolt in the North and South, spreading fast like a bush fire. The North had been a powder keg for some time but it had been hoped any insurrection might be contained there. The insurrection actually began at Dongola, and spread North to Wadi Halfa which immediately succumbed and the Xth Sudanese Battalion garrisons in both locations were engulfed by the suddenness of the uprising. Even worse the revolt spread South through Berber and then Atbara fell to the rapidly growing Mahdist cause – it being suggested that most of the troops at Berber (from the 2nd Egyptian Cavalry Squadron) may have changed sides and joined the Ansar rather than fight them! All along the Lower Nile the lesser towns also fell to the Mahdists, and just the strongly held garrison town of Abu Hamed held out, surrounded by a countryside of seething revolt.

Continue reading “Fire & Sword Turn 01: November 1883”

Unit Organisations in TSATF

One thing I have done [as of 2008] is slightly tweak the organisations of units to try and more closely replicate the real life historical organisations – while still keeping to the general intent Larry Brom put in the rules and approximately the same number of figures per larger formation (Battalion or Regiment). As we are using the same organisations for our Fire & Sword Campaign I ended up putting together Visio Organisation Charts of them as visual organisation reference for Roundie & Kieran (who weren’t familiar with, my perhaps pedantic, idiosyncrasies over organisation tables) and as a result of an unrelated discussion on the Sword & Flame Yahoo! Group it occurred to me they might be of some little interest to one or two people out there (although I’m sure I’m not the first to do so and many will have their own views different to mine)…

Continue reading “Unit Organisations in TSATF”

Site Rebuild Complete

Frontier Miniatures 24th Foot from the Zulu War
Frontier Miniatures 24th Foot from the Zulu War

Frontier Miniatures 24th Foot from the Zulu WarWay back in February 2008 I started on an ambitious plan to revamp the entire site expecting it to take just 2-3 months. Now, in December 2008, I have just finished spending many months doing the full rewrite of the site using CSS to make it fully W3C compliant, and also to generally improve the design somewhat while keeping the original feel. Although I have not completed all parts of it I felt a need to publish the site to get it live on the web, and to show people it had not just gone dead for 10 months!


Fire & Sword Campaign Set Up

Following on from my introductory Our First Fire & Sword Campaign: Revolt in the Sudan post the initial deployment was done randomly – using a random table I generated to use in conjunction with Steve Winter’s original rules. This resulted in a reasonably conventional, although not necessarily ideal deployment of the Egyptian forces. The actual size and number of forces was similar to Steve’s originals, see his starting OOB (or our map below) for an idea of the forces… The map shows the situation once the random deployment has been completed and the initial revolt indexes generated – but before Turn 1 has begun and checks for revolts carried out.

Continue reading “Fire & Sword Campaign Set Up”