Some Lovely Langton 1/1200 Ships

Stumbled across these excellent efforts by Alanus, Dux Homunculorum on his blog. Check out HMS Orion (74), HMS Phoebe (36), and the French vessels Scipion (74) & Hortense (40). Wonderful stuff and another gamer going through the Langton SCAFP or Too Fat Lardies KMH or similar “which rules play best” process, as mentioned in my earlier Trafalgar vs. Signal Close Action Fast Play post. Continue reading “Some Lovely Langton 1/1200 Ships”

Some 20mm Eastern Front Buildings Arrive…

Lancer Miniatures Russian Railway Station
Lancer Miniatures 20mm Russian Railway Station

Right now my 20mm WW2 & Modern era buildings are rather bare on the ground – I have a couple of very nice larger 15mm TimeCast buildings (a Belgian Townhouse and a Petrol Station), and a 20mm bombed out German HQ Building from ESLO. Otherwise I have some plastic kits awaiting completion (Airfix Jungle Outpost & the 2 Italeri Farmhouse & Manor kits) and a 20mm resin Jungle Building from Frontline. So my existing Western Europe and new Eastern Europe theatre troops desperately need buildings for their games – not to mention long-term Mediterranean/North African and more Pacific/Burma stuff! Consequently I have been purchasing several new Western & Eastern European buildings from about 5 different manufacturers (i.e. Lancer, Area 9, Hovels, TST, Sentry) – and where possible have chosen to purchase them pre-painted to save time, and get some terrain (especially Eastern Front) usable as promptly as possible. The first of these to arrive are from Lancer Miniatures in the UK, which arrived promptly in NZ just 1 week after ordering.

Continue reading “Some 20mm Eastern Front Buildings Arrive…”

Trafalgar vs. Signal Close Action Fast Play

The last year or so I’ve been trying to get back into some Napoleonic Naval Gaming – initially I started out using 1/1200th Langton Miniatures (and Rod Langton’s original edition of “Hoist The Signal For Close Action“) back in the early and mid-90’s but after moving to Auckland switched to the 1/2400th Hallmark ships when Fire As She Bears (FASB) first came out (as several AWC members already had that scale). Although I purchased FASB II when it came out I never really got back into Napoleonic Naval at all for most of the last decade (i.e. 2002-2010). However in the last 18 months I have sold off all the small 1/2400th ships and reverted to the larger 1/1200th scale, and I’ve subsequently purchased “Trafalgar” and the latest editions of  both versions of Rod Langton’s rules (“Signal Close Action (SCA)” and “SCA Fast Play“), and with another AWC gamer also considering looking at “Kiss Me Hardy (KMH)” too. Continue reading “Trafalgar vs. Signal Close Action Fast Play”

Samokhodnaya Ustanovka Arrive!

Four Forces of Valor (85041) SU-122 advance with SMG Platoon escort...
Four Forces of Valor (85041) SU-122 advance with SMG Platoon escort...

Yes, they are here, masses of Soviet Samokhodnaya Ustanovka (SU) Assault Guns and Tank Destroyers – part of (a larger than planned) arsenal I’ve been accumulating for my 20mm scale World War II Russian forces for Crossfire! The real bonus is being able to obtain off EBay 4 Forces of Valor model 85041 SU-122 models (representing a vehicle of an unidentified unit on the Eastern Front, Winter of 1942/1943) – and at a reasonable price – they are rather rare (as they were only ever manufactured in limited numbers by all accounts) and usually quite expensive (due to their collectability) – most recently someone was trying to sell a single model on EBay for as much as US$90 (although about US$40-$60 is more usual)!

Continue reading “Samokhodnaya Ustanovka Arrive!”

Lasalle: The Trouble With Tribbles

The Battle For the flux de Tribble - as the Carabiniers storm across!
The Battle For the flux de Tribble - as the 1st Carabiniers storm across in foreground!

Okay – it’s got nothing to do with Star Trek & Tribbles – but I thought it sounded a cool title for a blog post (and AAR)! Anyway back at the end of July (2011) Cam and I played another Lasalle game – we reverted to the basic Army Builder List of a core force and 1 support option with standard troop values (1815 Hundred Days French & British) – the idea was to try out a proposed alternate scenario that was going to be used in the Lasalle Tournament at  “Call To Arms”  a convention in Wellington (New Zealand) in the second half of August. The proposed scenario in simple terms made both sides the ‘attacker’ (so Core Force + Attack Bonus + 1 Support Option) and placed 3 objectives instead of 1 on the table – all 3 having to be on the centre line, with one in the table’s dead centre, and one placed by each player not within 4BW or so of either of the others or the table edge. The following is a brief summary of the game with photo gallery…

Continue reading “Lasalle: The Trouble With Tribbles”

Black Powder ACW at the AWC

On Sunday a couple of the guys at the AWC played their first Black Powder game set in the ACW (American Civil War) – I was unable to attend, but Lee Heath has posted a brief report and a couple of photos on his blog Project Black Powder. I’ll be looking forward to hopefully getting in on the next game and maybe I should make a start on basing up my painted 28mm Union & Rebel troops (who have been actually waiting for the balance of the figs to get painted before I base them but perhaps I should forgo that and just get on with basing them)… Continue reading “Black Powder ACW at the AWC”

Crossfire Training Day!

"Hunter", A Royal Marine Centaur IV CS Tank, advances in game No.2
"Hunter", A Royal Marine Centaur IV CS Tank, advances in game No.2

My friend Wayne has been expressing interest in Crossfire for gaming WW2 and Vietnam – it’s all part of his WW2 Wargaming revival (see “A Bit Of WW2 Wargaming & Some Nostalgia“) – and as he had reason to be here in Auckland the last couple of days we got together for a bit of a Crossfire introduction and training session… We played a couple of simple generic scenarios with about a company a side and the following is a brief summary and some photos of the games…

Continue reading “Crossfire Training Day!”

Empress 1840’s New Zealand Wars Māori and Colonial Figures

Roly over at “Dressing The Lines” has got his first batch of NZ Wars figures done, and I must say they are looking pretty smashing! He’s done a great job of them and also of giving the bases a New Zealand touch with ferns and tussock-like grass! Roly is planning to experiment with using a suitably modified “Sharp Practice” for his games, however this requires a reasonable number of figures (i.e. dozens to 100+), and Roly has the luxury of another gamer at hand doing the same period. I have been rather procrastinating over ordering some of the Empress Miniatures figures as I’ve been undecided about what rules to use – however I’ve pretty much decided on initially trying SDS (“Song of Drums & Shakos” – a variant of “Song of Blades & Heroes“), which will allow interesting games with just 6-30 figures a side… Needless to say Roly’s efforts are a much needed prompt to get organised and order some figures! The photo is a small lower resolution one of some of his figures – Make sure you check out the full set of photos at Roly’s Dressing The Lines blog… Continue reading “Empress 1840’s New Zealand Wars Māori and Colonial Figures”

A Bit Of WW2 Wargaming & Some Nostalgia

Prepare to defend the bridge!
Prepare to defend the bridge!

A friend of mine recently sent me some pics of some of his WW2 Wargaming terrain – we used to wargame together in the 1980’s and early 1990’s and his stuff has been mainly in storage for the last 15 years – but he’s been cracking it out recently as well as starting to work on some new pieces.

Continue reading “A Bit Of WW2 Wargaming & Some Nostalgia”

Modern Spearhead Rules Back In Print!

MSH CoverFor those who may not be aware I co-authored with Alex Macris the Modern Spearhead Rules that were published in 2000 – these were a development of Arty Conliffe’s highly successful WW2 “Spearhead” rules originally published in 1994. In the last year or so these rules have gone out of print and been difficult to obtain. We are pleased to say that there is now a reprint in progress and they should be available from July, and will be able to be purchased at Historicon 2011.

For full details see the announcement at

From the Modern Spearhead website: “Modern Spearhead is an operational level game that is designed to recreate the view and challenges from a Brigade, Divisional or even Army Corps level – The player’s major issues are when to attack or defend, when to issue order changes to formations, and when to commit reserves, rather than focussing on what individual elements (tanks and soldiers) are doing.

The Crossroads

Frederick William, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel-Oels (Duke of Brunswick), leads his forces in the action at 'The Crossroads'.
Frederick William, Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel-Oels (Duke of Brunswick), leads his forces in the action at ‘The Crossroads’.

Today we played a Lasalle ‘Big Battle’ with over a Division of troops a side and had a very successful game – our first true large game with Lasalle. The scenario was based on “The Crossroads” from C. S. Grant’s “Programmed Wargames Scenarios” (Wargames Research Group Publications 1983 – Pages 79-81) modified to suit Lasalle (most especially the game turn limit and our forces). Both Cam and I did the mad panic thing during the preceding week getting extra troops and such either painted and/or based for our ‘big bash’ which allowed us to field 31 Infantry Battalions (14 French & 17 Allied)  supported by 4 Batteries (2 each) and 5 Cavalry Regiments (3 small Allied and 2 large French – we had more cavalry available but did not deploy them to avoid a too ‘cavalry heavy’ game.

Continue reading “The Crossroads”