Marching On Richmond: Virginia Farm 1864

As the summer of 1864 dragged on we continued to manoeuvre and fight indecisive engagements with our erstwhile rebel opponents. As Fall approached however we finally cornered the main Confederate Army in Virginia to force a major action to defend Richmond. My Division was engaged near the centre-right of our line, at a place we dubbed “Virginia Farm” where once again we found General Longman’s forces opposing us… Continue reading “Marching On Richmond: Virginia Farm 1864”

A Spanish Village near Waterloo

In a Spanish Village somewhere between Quatre Bras and Waterloo, in Belgium, Napoleon’s advanced guard clashed with rearguard elements of Wellington’s retiring British & German allied force. My detachment of dragoons were in the vanguard of the returning Emperor’s advance, and had stopped for the evening in a strangely Spanish village not far from Quatre Bras, having pursued the English since the battle and the last mentioned place. We selected the village to billet in and establish pickets for the evening in anticipation of the arrival of the leading infantry elements of the following Corps. Unknown to us the English and their their new Allies had sent forth aggressive rear-guard patrols to the village with similar intent, and presumably hoping to deny us the village for the evening, setting the scene for a brisk late afternoon action! Continue reading “A Spanish Village near Waterloo”

A Theft Most Foul

Many Wargamers may not have had to experience it – but recently in New Zealand a local wargamer had his entire Warhammer collection stolen from his car during a storm (along with his PC, Xbox, etc). Likely the thieves don’t know the value and took it as a peripheral to the Electronics and other gear – but if you are a NZ gamer and see some new Warhammer figures mysteriously appear or be offered for sale check out this blog to see if they look like part of the stolen collection, it has links to photos of the figures: Trouble in the Border Provinces. The original theft occurred about 2 weeks ago in Paraparaumu, near Wellington. Continue reading “A Theft Most Foul”

Don Featherstone Memorial Trophy

Today I received the following communique from Chris Scott: “This is to let you know that the first Don Featherstone Memorial Trophy was played for at an old-school style wargame of Gettysburg at the Wargames Holiday Centre, Basingstoke. It was part of a Donald Featherstone Tribute Weekend sponsored by Miniature Wargames Magazine and involved a hotel stopover and a splendid dinner. The game was competitive of course, but the whole thing was conducted in a very friendly manner with the emphasis upon playing for fun and enjoying the social side of the hobby.” Continue reading “Don Featherstone Memorial Trophy”

1866 And All That

1866 And All That is the blog of well known New Zealand Wargamer & Sculptor Mark Strachan. Mark has been involved in Historical wargaming since 1972. He is most well known as the sculptor behind many (or most) of the figures and/or models produced by the now defunct New Zealand wargaming manufacturer Military Miniatures (the business eventually ceased operating as Military Miniatures, but then morphed into the current Battlefront/Flames of War business). Many a New Zealand Wargamer has buildings, terrain (rivers, roads, scenery), or figures, designed by Mark in their collection. Continue reading “1866 And All That”

Warlord North American Buildings

To supplement my Perry Miniatures’ ACW Buildings I also have a couple of Warlord laser-cut MDF Settler’s Log Cabins – like the Perry buildings these are suitable for most North American eras from the French & Indian Wars & American Revolution through to the American Civil War and turn of the (20th) century – and at a stretch the 19th Century NZ Colonial Wars as well. Continue reading “Warlord North American Buildings”

Site Update

Apologies if you are visiting the site and having issues with the format – I am just in the process of changing over the theme to rectify issues with images and such not displaying correctly, and this may take me a day or two to complete. Please bear with me and if anything is inaccessible or not working please check back later in the week.

Update 19 March 2014: New format now in place and should be displaying correctly. Just need to finish tweaking the colours, etc, but site should be fully functional again. Please let me know if you find anything not working. Continue reading “Site Update”

Perry Miniatures ACW Buildings

These are some ‘in progress’ pictures of my 28mm Perry Miniatures’  North American Buildings – I’m hoping they will be useful for not just the ACW (American Civil War), but also for the American Old West & Indian Wars, some Colonial theatres, and even early 20th Century pulp periods. Included is a simple conversion of the Perry Store kit, into a small Blacksmith & Stables. The conversion and the kit assembly & painting/basing was done by my fellow gamer, Kieran Mahony (6mm Wargaming). I just need to now flock the bases and add all the micro detail… Continue reading “Perry Miniatures ACW Buildings”

Miniature Addiction!

Roundie, from my local gaming group (the Auckland Wargaming Club), has recently launched his own website & blog of his wargaming & modelling work – he’s one of our area’s most prolific modellers & painters and has built some amazing terrain boards and scratch-built buildings & terrain… He’s also running a local SDS (Song of Drums & Shakos) Napoleonic Skirmish Campaign at the AWC. Continue reading “Miniature Addiction!”

Win An Airbrush Compressor Competition

Air Supplies in the UK are running a competition for model makers on their site. In a nutshell they’re asking you to show them your favourite model from your collection. Trains, Warhammer, Wargaming, Airfix, Table Top Gaming, etc – it doesn’t matter what the model is it just has to be one that you’ve painted, built or even designed yourself. They want to see the one you’re most proud of to be in with a chance of winning a Bambi BB8 Compressor they are giving away as the 1st Prize.

Continue reading “Win An Airbrush Compressor Competition”

Wargame Holidays 2014

Wargame Holidays have announced their 2014 Schedule. They include World War 2 (20mm Normandy 1944 and Crete 1941); Anglo-Zulu War (Isandlwana in 15mm and Rorke’s Drift in 28mm); Black Powder in 28mm (American Civil War, Indian Mutiny, and French & Indian Wars); Pirate ship to ship action (in 28mm); and new in 2014:

Continue reading “Wargame Holidays 2014”

Stunning M42 Twin-Forty Night Shots

A friend recently sent me a link to these stunning Vietnam War photos of an M42 Twin-Forty “Duster” in action at night against a ground target in Vietnam in 1970 (The image is © James Speed Hensinger / Rex Feat).

A Vietnam War veteran has released incredible night-time photographs he took of American troops opening fire on a Viet Cong sniper who had been firing on a U.S. Army camp.Continue reading “Stunning M42 Twin-Forty Night Shots”