Confusion of British 2pdr & 6pdr HE in WW2 Addendum

Over the years there has been a lot of confusion around British HE for 2pdr and 6pdr guns – especially in the early part of the war. This is my follow up to my original post on this subject.

Further to my post in 2022 about The Confusion of British 2pdr & 6pdr HE in WW2 I finally acquired a copy of Firing Now! Tank, Anti-Tank and Self-Propelled Artillery Ammunition UK & USA 1939-1945 by Dick Taylor in late 2023 which I had been looking for for some time (the limited amounts of second hand copies were extortionate prices, but there seems to have mow been a second printing or a new POD edition). My copy of A15 Cruiser Mk. VI Crusader Tank – A Technical History by P.M. Knight had also arrived several months earlier in 2023 and has added to the information. The effect is these have added some data to my research in the original post.

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MotA First Impression: A Little Underwhelmed

The first 2 episodes of Masters of the Air dropped on AppleTV a few days ago and it wasn’t long before there were floods of posts about how awesome it was and about how stunning and full on the combat scenes were, and the usual nitpicking such as the Brit Bashing in episode 2. I got around to watching it a couple of days later, and I’ve been mulling over what I experienced for 2+ days before writing anything – and this is how I feel about it…

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NIMITZ: A New Take On WW2 Fleet Action

It’s great to see Sam Mustafa’s latest ruleset “NIMITZ” come out – it’s Sam’s take on WW2 Naval Fleet Action. I’ve been looking forward to seeing this released – Sam always has a fresh approach to rules writing that I enjoy and I find usually gets a good balance between playability & fun, and realistic outcomes (i.e. is this how you’d expect such and such an encounter to turn out) with minimal gamey tactics, etc. An expansive campaign system, Halsey, is also included that can incorporate as many players as desired.

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Blindés de Combat Magazine

Back in 2010-2013 I was talking about the Combat Tank Collection series (of 121 different models), and subsequently Altaya released a second magazine series Blindés de Combat which featured another 62 models, and a much greater variety of non-tank military models in 1/72 scale.

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The Confusion of British 2pdr & 6pdr HE in WW2

Over the years there has been a lot of confusion around British HE for 2pdr and 6pdr guns – especially in the early part of the war. e.g. The 2pdr didn’t have HE, yes it did originally in 1940 but they stopped making it, no it didn’t, yes it did and they even had 11,000 rounds of it siting in storage at the outbreak of World War II – they just never issued it to the troops! Anyway I thought it might be useful (for my sanity and anybody else’s) to collate the facts as known (at least as I now know them), given a lot more information has come to light in the last 10-15 years on the subject. This was partly sparked by a recent YouTube video I watched (on the Matilda) that quoted quite inaccurately the claim that the British had 2pdr HE (in storage in 1939-1941) and never issued it, either through incompetence or criminal negligence!

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Raid On Villa Winter

Captain Hendry de Cromault paddled steadily and quietly through the uneasy surf, his sergeant and some of his men behind him doing likewise. To either side more boats of British Commandos were also paddling through the surf. As their boats ran up on the volcanic beach with the crashing breakers covering their approach, the first rays of the sun were providing a faint glow off to the east well beyond the mountains, and even further, as the sun rose over Africa and headed towards the Atlantic Ocean. Quickly drawing their boats ashore, they were startled by the sudden winking of a bright lamp inshore, sending jumbled encrypted Morse code signals; ‘a U-Boat must be about’ Cromault thought to himself, ‘why else would the Villa Winter be activating it’s powerful beacon lamp, hopefully it doesn’t stumble across their transport home, a Royal Navy Destroyer lurking to the north’. Even as he thought about it his raiding force was assembling around him at their rallying points, and beyond expectations the entire force had safely made it ashore. Assembled on one of the remotest parts of the Canary Islands, they set off to accomplish their mission of destroying the secret mid-Atlantic U-Boat base built and run by by Gustav Winter, a reclusive German engineer, disguised beneath his Villa ‘Casa Winter’ on the island…

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Chain of Command First Action

Down at the AWC Kieran and a few others have been playing Chain of Command. I finally had a chance to get down to the club so played an introductory game with Kieran… Using the basic ‘Patrol’ scenario (essentially the traditional ‘encounter’ game – although probably never the best scenario type for an impromptu wargame, especially first taste of a rule set) we set up a village crossroads ‘somewhere in Normandy, 1944’. Continue reading “Chain of Command First Action”

Tales Of Cromwell Tanks

If like me you love Cromwell tanks, then you will enjoy this video of annecdotes and facts about the British Cromwell Tank in WW2. The Cromwell first saw action in the Battle of Normandy in June 1944, equipping the armoured reconnaissance regiments of the 7th and 11th Armoured Divisions and the Guards Armoured Division. The armoured regiments of the 7th Armoured Division were also equipped with Cromwells at this time (in lieu of M4 Sherman tanks). Centaurs (the Cromwell without the Rolls Royce engine) were used in combat fitted with a 95 mm howitzer, as part of the Royal Marines Armoured Support Group during the initial ‘amphibious invasion’ days of the Normandy campaign. Continue reading “Tales Of Cromwell Tanks”

Jagdpanther with Hilary Doyle

Fantastic Video of the Weald Foundation operational Jagdpanther, presented by Hilary Doyle (renown German Armour Expert) with some absolutely fascinating and obscure facts included. A must watch if you are a WW2 Tank fan. Continue reading “Jagdpanther with Hilary Doyle”

Christchurch Wargaming Club Refights D-Day Battles

The Christchurch Wargaming Club are remembering the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy (6 June 1944) by refighting key battles and actions from the campaign. Read more at Stuff’s Displays and refights will mark D-Day anniversary.

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Latest Ready Made Diecast 1/72 Models

The wealth of ready made diecast style models now is simply amazing. Especially in the 1/72 scale range (and I’m including 1/76 and 1/87 in that statement). I’ve not paid much attention to the scene in recent years, but just recently have been looking at it again, especially with a view to getting back into playing some Crossfire again. One of the semi-recent arrivals is PMA (Precision Model Art) and they are producing some highly detailed models that feature interior detail (such as engines and such). They do a range of very nice historical WW2 German models that include a V-2 Rocket (in 4 variants), 8.8cm FlaK, and several Sd.Kfz 8 Half-Track variants; including one of which is my favourite the 8.8 cm Flak 18 (Sfl.) auf Zugkraftwagen 12t (Sd.Kfz. 8) on the DB9 chassis. They also have some nice vehicle crew sets, German Kubelwagens & Motorcycles, and a nice LRDG Chevrolet Truck. Continue reading “Latest Ready Made Diecast 1/72 Models”

How Not To Play Crossfire Video

Following on from the “Operation Crossfire: Smoke & Close Combat” video is yet another useful introductory video by Nikolas Lloyd, covering How Not To Play Crossfire! This gives a quick introduction to what not to do tactically when playing Crossfire – the rules do not introduce artificial constraints such as arbitrary ranges, so you have to use real-life tactics to be successful… Continue reading “How Not To Play Crossfire Video”